The School Discipline Fix is a 15-chapter book that provides step-by-step instructions of how to implement Collaborative Problem Solving in educational settings, including public, private, and therapeutic schools.

This book is available at, or click the book cover and use code SCHLFIX for 20% off and free shipping directly from the publisher.

Looking to use the book as part of an all-staff book club? Click for a free chapter-by-chapter discussion guide.

Collaborative Problem Solving: An Evidence-Based Approach to Implementation and Practice is a 9-chapter, edited volume that brings together the expertise of several key players in the development of CPS implementation practices.

Chapters cover topics like first-hand knowledge of implementing CPS in clinical systems and schools; why CPS is considered trauma-informed care; how to evaluate CPS integrity and outcomes system-wide; and how CPS can be used to foster employee success.

Click on the book cover to order directly from the publisher or visit Available to purchase by chapter, as an e-book, or as a soft-cover manual.

Dr. Pollastri has also authored a number of book chapters and research articles. Click here to view other publications.